一个HRI Scholarships

一个HRI Practicing Certification Scholarship

一个pplications open until 25 August

一个HRI Scholarships

Recognises HR professionals who demonstrate potential for HR Leadership through submission of a piece of writing/verbal recording/recorded presentation on a topic relating to a workplace initiative they have undertaken and excellence in their HR career to date.


Registration into the AHRI practicing certification program

Up to four (4) AHRI Practicing Certification Scholarships will be awarded. The best application will also receive the Sandra Cormack Scholarship prize of $3,000


  • Current AHRI member
  • Currently employed in an HR role in Australia


Either a written submission (1500 words max), or pre-recorded audio/video presentation (15 mins max) answering the question:

“Which of the capabilities in the Australian HR Framework are you looking to develop further to improve your impact as an HR Professional and how can you develop this capability in yourself and others as a current/future HR Leader?”

一个re you ready to apply?

一个HRI Scholarships